Pastor Gerri Di Somma, his wife, Michelle, and their four children came to the UK in 1996 as missionaries from South Africa. They were sent by God with these words defining their mission: He sent them to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick (Luke 9:2). Their story shows how, like Abraham in the Bible, they obeyed by faith, not knowing where they were going. Upon their arrival in the UK, God directed them to establish and build a church and Bible School in Bristol.
Carmel Bible College originally opened as Anchor Bible Training Centre (ABTC) in September 1997. The name was changed to Carmel Bible College (CBC) in 2006, firmly integrating the college into the wider vision of Carmel Ministries International.
In 2016, Carmel Global Ministries International Inc was born, combining our 22-year legacy of faith, which includes over 1000 graduates, with the vision to equip God's people for their purpose in His kingdom. We look forward to the next chapter of God's purpose and plan as we seek to build up and equip His saints for ministry, whether in the church, the home, or the marketplace.
In 2022 The USA campus of Carmel Bible College was launched . . .
And He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing.