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Carmel Bible College

Equipping People for Abundant Life

Home: Welcome

Carmel Bible College teaches biblical principles, moral values, and the life skills necessary for everyday living.

Year 1

Certificate in
Biblical Studies


For all believers desiring a solid foundation and in-depth understanding of the Word of God that can be applied to their daily lives.​

Year 2

Diploma in Ministerial Development


Aimed at those wanting to go deeper still in their study of God's Word or, those sensing a call into full-time Christian ministry.

The curriculum provides one or two years of study aimed at establishing a firm base from which students can enter into work, society, or ministry.

Each instructor has a wealth of relevant knowledge and experience. These include pastoral work, church planting/pioneering, church administration, counseling, itinerant teaching and revival meetings, youth and children's work, as well as success in the secular business world.

CBC offers a unique experience, as we have an intentional focus on faith-based Biblical life skills. We would love to be part of the transforming work of God in your life.  Come and see for yourself the benefits of time spent at Carmel Bible College.

Apply Now:

Application Deadline is SEPTEMBER 22th!


Head knowledge is a wonderful thing but knowing how to use that knowledge and implementing it into your life takes wisdom. CBC is committed to not only giving you the necessary biblical knowledge but also, impart godly wisdom to take that head knowledge and turn it into heart understanding.


Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth

2 Timothy 2:15


Here at Carmel Bible College, our purpose is to equip and prepare believers through the practical application of biblical principles, preparing them to become effective ministers and leaders in their family, church, marketplace, and community.


"Now I know why God wanted me to study CBC - to know and serve Him better!"



Pastor Gerri Di Somma



Pastor Michelle Di Somma 



Contact Carmel Bible College

12412 Highway 36, Needville, Texas, 77461


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